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ianmjones | Always Developing

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Blog Posts

2024-08-18: Scratching an itch feels good

2024-08-06: And then I switched to Solus

2024-07-20: Switched from NixOS to Ubuntu Desktop on my Framework Laptop 13

2024-03-30: Snippet Expander v1.0.2 Released 🎉

2023-11-25: Snippet Expander v1.0.1 Released 🎉

2023-08-28: OSNews

2022-07-20: Running HTTPS and Gemini sites on Fly.io

2022-04-08: A Year of Always Developing

2022-01-01: 2021 Year in Review

2021-09-29: Snippet Pixie: Next - Always Developing #60

2021-09-20: WP Table Pixie Premium discontinued

2021-08-10: Probably not going to be able to package Snippet Pixie for the elementary 6 AppCenter

2021-06-04: Snippet Pixie snap fresh install fixed

2021-05-26: First Always Developing video recording failure 🤦️

2021-05-20: Switched site to Gemini

2021-05-15: Hello Gemini World

2021-05-11: Is this thing on?

2021-04-20: AlwaysDeveloping.show is now on YouTube

2021-03-04: This is why I like the snap store

2021-02-28: Snippet Pixie 1.5.0

2021-01-01: 2021 Goals

2021-01-01: 2020 Year in Review

2020-09-02: Snippet Pixie 1.4.0 Released

2020-03-01: Snippet Pixie 1.3.1 Released

2019-05-18: Notes on getting autostart working for a classic confined snap

2019-05-03: Snippet Pixie 1.2 released with support for placeholders 🎉️

2019-02-06: Snippet Pixie 1.1 adds snippets export and import

2018-10-30: WP Cron Pixie 1.4 Released

2018-08-08: Switched Personal Site to Micro.blog

2018-04-04: New WordPress Plugin: WP Table Pixie

2017-03-02: New Xojo Web SDK Control: ToastrIJ

2016-12-15: Meta Pixie Pro Released

2016-12-10: New WordPress Plugin: Meta Pixie

2016-09-28: ActorDB for Docker

2016-05-26: Options Pixie Pro Released, Finally.

2016-02-06: My First WordPress Plugin: Options Pixie

2015-10-27: My First iOS Game: Missed Three

2009-09-17: Reboot